sabato 28 luglio 2012

My Name is Skrillex... e scleri Hipsterici

My little tribute to Skrillex step by step

 Here is the color, ok?
Now, I have to confess you a thing, I wanted to post another drawing before this;
an acrylic painting I made for a couple of my great friends a month ago, but strange things are happened in these days; things I wouldn't have believed could happen.
Is not simple to explain, they got a lot of problems and to avoid hurting someone..
I can't post that drawing.
My whole thought is for them and my best wishes too.
° Scleri personali osannanti il personaggio in questione, ovvero fangirlismo acuto + sproloquio sull'Hipsteria °
Two days ago I bought two albums of Skrillex with the ITunes Store, then I tried to copy them on a virgin CD... Epic FAIL 'cause I didn't remember that I shoud do it with ITunes directy, so I copy them as CD Dati (I don't Know how translate it X°D) with Tast Titanium. Epic Epic fail! And I had drawn on 'em two cute Skrillexs... unnecessary.
I've stuck 'em on the wall.

Aww.. cute <3

Do you really think the imagine up there is the final version of my tribute to Skrill?
What the hell, no! I'm too much able to hurt myself with all detailed things that I can not do without!
 Here it is.
YES, OH MY GOD! Skrillex I LOVE YOU! <3

7 commenti:

  1. YES,OH MY GOD! (cit.)
    che bellino lui... ha proprio il suo sguardo! e...non dico altro nel caso passi di qua qualcuno... xD

  2. Io adoro Skrillex! : D

    Se ti ricordi Zeo ti avevo linkato un suo video su google plus quasi 2 anni fa : D

    1. No,non me ne ricordo per niente infatti! poi avevo gusti diversi due anni fa... :)

  3. Se n'era dimenticata missà, ahaha =D, o non aveva ancora sentito Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites!

  4. Le avevo fatto sentire First of the year (Equinox), molto bella con la base stile reggae : p

  5. Bellissima anche questa ma SMaNS ci sconquassa!
